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Welcome to
Pass The Oils AZ

Young Living Essential Oil's Team Drops of Change is HAPPY to welcome you to our weekly Community Gathering, where we explore the all-natural power of essential oils, and support you in achieving your dreams. We are a passionate, conscious COMMUNITY dedicated to sharing education and drop at time

Home: Welcome
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What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils can offer many benefits for your family's health. They are easy to use and beautiful in their application.  These natural, plant based oils support your body’s inherent and amazing ability to maintain health and wellness.

As the regenerative and protective life force of plants, these oils are highly concentrated and potent. They are often referred to as the “living essence” or "liquid immune system" of plants.

Plants and humans have evolved together throughout history. Plants provide oxygen for us to breathe, food for us to eat, and shelter for us to live, and much more. They are life supporting and necessary for our survival.                   

They work in harmony with the human body and can lend powerful, natural support to all of the body's systems, including the immune, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems.

Their natural aromatherapy benefits are truly a gift of nature.

As you try them out, you will discover countless ways to use them in your home, from fragrance, cleaning, baking, to healthy immune support for your you, your family, and even your pets.

Once you get started you will amazed at the variety of ways you can use essential oils. Just one single oil can provide a variety of uses and benefits!

Due to their power and versatility, these concentrated oils, truly are cost efficient. A bottle of undiluted oil can last for months, even with daily use.

Only therapeutic grade essential oils offer the health supporting benefits we mention. Commercially processed oils are often diluted with dangerous chemicals. Knowing and trusting your source cannot be over emphasized when it comes to the health and safety of your family, and yourself.

When it comes to oil and product integrity, the industry standard is set by Young Living Essential Oils.  Young Living Essential Oils is a world leader in research and development of the highest quality, eco-sustainable products designed with your health in mind.

Disclaimer: In accordance with FDA regulations this information is not provided to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. It is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical counseling and we do not accept responsibility for such use.

Home: About

Community Gatherings

We offer a diverse offering of educational topics designed to inspire and empower you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Our focus is always on providing options for you to live a healthy, happy, successful life.  We provide a space to come together in community and learn the power of plant medicine through a hands-on, personal experience of Young Living Essential Oils.

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Seed to Seal Guarantee

Young Living is proud to set the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of our oils through our unique Seed to Seal process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, we apply rigorous quality controls to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended.

Join The Young Living Family

Join the Young Living family today and access the all-natural health benefits of Young Living Essential Oils with the purchase of our Premium Starter Kit!  Full-body wellness in every kit!  Kids and Pets love it too!

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Home: Services

Community Gathering

Every Wednesday 7 - 8:30PM 
$5 Material Fee
Only Love Studio
4385 N. 75th St. #103
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

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Home: Hours


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4385 N 75th St #103
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

©2017 by Pass The Oils AZ. Proudly created with

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