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Living Your Passion Empowerment Training

It is our favorite time of year…3 Day Immersion time!

Our 3 Day Immersion is our signature event offered only 4 times per year. It will be offered July 21st thru July 23rd, 2017.

This a powerful opportunity to explore and develop your personal potential and step into alignment with your purpose and desires. This transformational journey will be dedicated to personal growth, inspiration, and education with a focus on how plant based vibratory essences, otherwise known as Essential Oils, can transform your health, happiness, and abundance.

There are 3 ways to participate in our 3 Day Immersion:

· New Drops of Change Team Member

$40 with the purchase of a Premium Starter Kit

· $100 Retake or Audit

$175 Non-Team Member

Registration fees will include all materials, workshops, and Raindrop Therapy and Neuro Auricular Therapy Certification.

We highly encourage registering early as we have limited spaces available and we will SELL-OUT for this event. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about your participation, what to expect, etc…

We look forward to meeting you in this deeply nutritive and transformative space, as we come together to learn and grow!

3 Day Immersion: Portfolio
Living Your Passion Empowerment Training (1).png

Drops of Change 3 Day Immersion

Living Your Passion Empowerment Training

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